April 19: Free Well Water Checkup
This year’s Well Water Checkup and Ask-An-Expert Open House will be on Wednesday, April 19, 2017. Screening is available to the first 75 well owners in the District to come in, pre-register and pick up sampling supplies and instructions. Sample supplies must be picked up by Tuesday, April 18. There are about 30 slots still available. Come in to get supplies!
The USEPA recommends that private water wells should be tested annually for contaminants that can jeopardize the health of its users, especially vulnerable populations like children, the elderly, or those with compromised immune systems. Samples from private water wells will be screened for common contaminants, including fecal coliform bacteria, nitrates, and salinity.
You’ll be able to bring in your water sample for analysis on April 19; if you come between 11-1 you can talk with a well servicer, septic system expert, water quality expert, water quality lab manager, and District staff while you wait for your results.

Legislative Update
There are several other groundwater-related bills that have made the news:
- In Hays County, water fight springs anew (Austin American Statesman, March 27, 2017):
- State Rep. Jason Isaac defends groundwater law after Statesman report (Austin American Statesman, March 28, 2017)
- Water Wars: Save Our Wells passed a bill last session, but there is new legislation (Wimberley View, March 29, 2017)
- Water war boils back up: Legislation may roll back groundwater protections (Hays Free Press, March 29, 2017)
- Trio of bills related to water have Hays County officials, residents on edge (Community Impact, March 30, 2017)
- Texas House Committee Hears Bill Related to Inconsistencies of Groundwater Protections (Spectrum News, April 12, 2017)
Camp Scholarship Winners Announced
Each year the Barton Springs/Edwards Aquifer Conservation District, in collaboration with our permittees, offers scholarships for two different age groups.
Applicants were from 13 different schools in Austin, Dripping Springs, San Marcos, Kyle, Mountain City, Buda, and Del Valle. We’re proud to announce the 2017 camp scholarship winners:
- Kaitlyn Wendt, Negley Elementary
- Megan LaRochelle, Rooster Springs Elementary
- Kennon Alvarado, UT Elementary
- Casey Alvarado, UT Elementary
- Lakota Patterson, Austin Classical Academy
- Jasmine Morgan, Dahlstrom Middle School
- Matthew Pasemann, Pace Academy
- Sofia Diorio, Clayton Elementary
- Hunter Halenza, Barton Middle School
- Kyler Halenza, Pfluger Elementary School
- Mia Abigail Smith, Austin Discovery School
- Stephen Gatej, Mills Elementary
- Jake Seale, Small Middle School
The District would like to thank Centex Materials, Creedmoor Water Supply, Texas Lehigh Cement Company, Goforth SUD, and Oak Forest for donating all or a portion of their Conservation Credits to the scholarship fund. The scholarship program would not be a success without these generous donations! Thank you!!!

Groundwater to the Gulf: A Summer Institute for Educators

Registration is now open for this summer’s Groundwater to the Gulf: Summer Institute for Educators! Join us on June 13-15, 2017! The Aquifer District, in collaboration with 12 other agencies, helps host this annual 3-day, field-trip-based, hands-on training. Dip your hands into local water topics and try activities that help bring those topics back to your classroom.
Visit the Groundwater to the Gulf Registration page for more details including photos from years past, registration link, and partners and sponsor information.
Upcoming Events, Meetings, & Deadlines
Wed., Apr. 19: Well Water Checkup ( details)
Thurs., Apr. 27: BSEACD Board Meeting ( details)
Mon., May 1: Permittee Meter Readings Due ( details)
Thurs., May 11: BSEACD Board Meeting
Thurs., May 25: BSEACD Board Meeting
Thurs., Jun. 1: Permittee Meter Readings Due ( details)
Thurs., Jun. 8: BSEACD Board Meeting
Jun. 13-15: Groundwater to the Gulf ( details)
Thurs., Jun. 22: BSEACD Board Meeting
Current Drought Stage:

The District uses two drought triggers to manage pumping and coordinate conservation.

10-day avg flow: 107 cfs

Water level: 539 ft above msl
