Director Elections in November 2016A five-member Board of Directors, elected for staggered four-year terms, is the governing body of the District and ensures the District’s work is consistent with the statutory mission, District rules, and local priorities. Directors are elected in the November general elections of even-numbered years (starting in 2012) by the registered voters in five single-member precincts. Very generally, there are two City of Austin urban precincts, one I-35 corridor urban precinct (with combined surface and groundwater supplies), and two rural precincts (one primarily Edwards Aquifer users, one primarily Trinity Aquifer users).
This November, elections will be held for Director Precincts 1, 3, and 4. Candidates will be able to pick up packets starting July 25. For more information on precincts, elections, and timeline, visit the District’s Board of Directors page.

Blanco River and Onion Creek Surface and Groundwater StudyThe District, Hays Trinity Groundwater Conservation District, the Edwards Aquifer Authority and the City of Austin collaborated to measure flow along the Blanco River and Onion Creek to investigate and better understand surface and groundwater interactions. The Edwards and Trinity Aquifers provide critical water resources to Central Texas. Streams that create the beautiful Texas Hill Country are in fact hydrologically linked to the aquifer (groundwater) systems. Aquifers provide springflows that sustain the streams, and the streams, in turn, recharge the aquifers.

In summary, these studies provide strong evidence that water flowing in the Blanco River and Onion Creek are recharging the Trinity and Edwards Aquifers along certain reaches of the streams. The greatest uncertainty of these studies is how much, how quickly, and under what conditions does recharge occur into the Trinity Aquifer.

Dripping Springs TPDES Proposed Permit ApplicationGroundwater users in the District rely on the Trinity and Edwards Aquifers and Onion Creek recharges both aquifers. The proposed wastewater discharge point is upstream of Trinity Aquifer and Edwards Aquifer recharge areas, so there is potential for groundwater users to be impacted if water quality in the creek is degraded.
At the June 30, 2016 Board Meeting, the Board of Directors adopted a resolution, position statement, and summary of concerns regarding the recently proposed Dripping Springs TPDES (Wastewater) Permit Application. The District opposes the Dripping Springs TPDES Permit Application as it has been proposed.

Edwards Aquifer Water LevelsThe highest water level recorded in the Lovelady monitor well was about 546 ft msl in June 1992. There are only 4 ft left to go to beat the record! Today’s water level (542.3 msl) is 6 ft above the second highest peak, which occurred in April 2003. But, the rise in Lovelady is slowing down.
Edwards monitor wells, such as the Hoskins Well, in the western portion of the District have already turned the corner and water levels have started to decline.

Upcoming Events, Meetings, & Deadlines
Mon., Jul. 4: Office closed for Independence Day
Thurs., Jul. 21: BSEACD Board Meeting ( details)
Mon., Aug. 1: Permittee meter readings due ( details)
Thurs., Aug. 11: BSEACD Board Meeting
Thurs., Aug. 25: BSEACD Board Meeting
Current Drought Stage:NO DROUGHT The District uses two drought triggers to manage pumping and coordinate conservation.

10-day avg flow: 114 cfs

Water level: 542ft above msl
