Updated Status Report on the Aquifer Storage and Recovery Pilot Project

Ruby Ranch Water Supply Corporation (RRWSC) and Barton Springs/Edwards Aquifer Conservation District are cooperating on a project to test the Middle Trinity Aquifer as a reservoir for storage and recovery of fresh Edwards Aquifer groundwater. By injecting fresh Edwards water when there is no drought, RRWSC can have a greater quantity of water available for summer-time usage.

In March 2017, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) granted permission to conduct an ASR pilot project. The pilot project consists of multi-step tests with increasing volumes of injected water in each successive step predicated upon successful results at each step. Click here for a status report recently sent to the TCEQ.

Water System Annual Meeting on Tuesday, April 17

The annual meeting of the Ruby Ranch Water Supply Corporation (RRWSC) will be held on April 17, 2018 at 7 p.m. at the Ruby Ranch Lodge, 292 West Bartlett Drive, Buda, TX. See a map to the meeting location here.

In the RRWSC Bylaws, Ruby Ranch lot owners in sections 3 through 8, even if they do not yet have a water tap, are members of RRWSC and eligible to participate at this meeting. The RRWSC is separate from the Ruby Ranch Homeowners Association and is run by a separate Board of Directors. See more meeting information here.

You can view the meeting agenda by clicking here. At its regularly scheduled meeting in March, RRWSC’s Board of Directors passed a resolution declaring the unopposed candidates for Director positions elected. A copy of the resolution can been seen here.