Ruby Ranch Water Supply Corporation will hold an open meeting on Thursday, November 3, 2016 at 7:00 P.M., at 452 Richards Drive, Buda, Hays County, Texas 78610. The meeting agenda may be viewed here
Dripping Springs Wastewater Permit and TCEQ
The TCEQ has rendered a preliminary decision that the requested Dripping Springs municipal wastewater permit meets all statutory and regulatory requirements. You can view their letter by clicking here.
The letter indicates that two antidegradation reviews were conducted with preliminary results indicating that “existing water quality uses will not be impaired by this permit” and with regards to Onion Creek “no significant degradation of water quality is expected” and “Existing uses will be maintained and protected.”
The letter also announces the Executive Director’s preliminary decision that the requested permit meets all statutory and regulatory requirements, the release of a draft permit, and the scheduling of a public meeting on the application.
The public meeting is to be held:
Thursday, November 10, 2016 at 7:00 PM
Dripping Springs Ranch Park
Special Events Venue Room
1042 Event Center Drive
Dripping Springs, Texas 78620
Ruby Ranch Water Supply Corporation Open Meeting
Ruby Ranch Water Supply Corporation will hold an open meeting on Thursday, September 8, 2016 at 7:00 P.M., at 1636 Ruby Ranch Road, Buda, Hays County, Texas 78610. The meeting agenda may be viewed here