Water Words

As you’ve probably heard, Central Texas has been in drought conditions for most of the past 4 years, even reaching Stage IV Exceptional Drought conditions for the first time ever at the end of 2023. This has put significant strain on the Edwards Aquifer, the source of Ruby Ranch’s water.

The combination of drought and our community’s usage has meant we have exceeded our water permit in recent months and have started incurring significant penalties.

For non-drought periods, the generally accepted daily usage of water is 100 gallons per person. That amounts to 11,000 for an average house of 3.7 people. In Ruby Ranch that water bill would be approximately $70.

Drought has impacted us all. We exceeded our allotment in 2023. In order to get under our permitted usage, the average household should aim for 7,500 gallons per month.

Regardless of your water use, there are ways you can cut back and support the community.

Without meaningful reduction the board will have to take steps to cover the added costs of these penalties.

Rates will be going up. Expect the new rates to be in effect with the June readings reflected in the bill mailed around July 1. If we cannot reduce usage, the board may:

    • Continue to implement price hikes
    • Issue fines for high users
    • Add flow restrictors

Ways to Reduce Usage:

    • Pool covers can reduce evaporation by 95%. Save time & money by not having to add water to your pool during the summer months
    • Reduce landscape watering, water during early hours, focus on drought tolerant plants and switch to drip systems which have shown to save up to 60% of water usage
    • Low-flow shower heads and shorter showers can save 100 plus gallons per day
    • Running toilets can lose up to 200 gallons per day
    • Dripping faucets can lose up to 20 gallons per day
    • A $5 faucet aerator can reduce water usage by up to 50% without impacting the water pressure

Since the beginning, The Ruby Ranch Water Corporation has provided high quality, below average cost water to the neighborhood. The Board would like to work with our neighbors to meet the requirements of the Edwards Aquifer Conservation District so we can avoid having to take extreme measures. For more information visit www.rubyranchwater.com or contact a board member.