Have you tested your well water recently? If you’re a private well owner, it’s important to test it annually to ensure it’s safe for consumption. We’re hosting a well water checkup to make the process as easy as possible for you. There’s only a few days left, so all you have to do is:
Step 1: Pick up sampling kits
Come to our office at 1124 Regal Row Austin, Texas on November 9, 13, or 14 between 8am – 5pm to register and pick up your well water sampling kit(s). You can get more than one. Each sample costs $15, so please bring cash or a check.
The first 20 participants will get one free sample! We only have supplies for 60 tests, and it’s first come first serve.
Step 2: Drop off water sample
To be tested, samples must be dropped off between 8 – 10am on Wednesday, November 15 at our office. Samples will be screened for contaminants including:
- Total coliform bacteria
- E.coli
- Nitrate-nitrogen
- Salinity
*Please note it’s important you collect your water sample the same morning you drop it off to ensure accurate bacteria test results.*
Step 3: Attend educational event (optional)
Join an educational event on Thursday, November 16 from 1 – 5pm at the Hays County Extension office, 200 Stillwater Road, Suite 102, Wimberley, Texas. You’ll receive your water sample results, and they’ll discuss well basics, septic systems, water quality, water treatment, and abandoned well information.
If you’re unable to attend, your well water results will be emailed to you instead.
Have questions?
Contact Shay Hlavaty at shlavaty@bseacd.org.
Brought to you by
Barton Springs/Edwards Aquifer Conservation District (BSEACD) is a groundwater conservation district charged by the Texas Legislature to work with well owners to conserve and protect the Edwards and Trinity aquifers and groundwater resources within its territory. BSEACD covers 430 square miles in parts of Travis, Hays, and Caldwell counties; home to about 400,000 people.
Ruby Ranch Water Supply Corporation Open Meeting
Ruby Ranch Water Supply Corporation will hold a Zoom meeting on Thursday, October 19, 2023 at 7:00 P.M. Additional information can be obtained by calling 512-312-2725. The meeting agenda may be viewed here
Updated information regarding the drinking water notice from 9/29
The well that tested positive for E. coli resulting in the notice posted on September 29 was immediately taken off-line and has been disinfected (super chlorinated) as stated. During the off-line period, no traces of the bacteria were found to be present at numerous testing locations beyond the well. With the success of the disinfecting procedures, we are happy to report that subsequent testing at the well has shown a negative result for both E. coli and coliform bacteria.