Update on water system

Good news, we now have a third well operational and PEC power has been restored since about 4am this morning so you should be seeing water service continuing to improve as long as we have continuing power. We still do not have sufficient water in our storage tanks, however, with these three wells, we can serve all of our customers if we continue to conserve water usage. It will take more time to get these tanks full and our system back to normal so please be judicious with water usage until we get everything back on-line; thank you for your assistance to date. Significant freeze damage occurred at plant 2, wells #4 & 5 and this must be repaired before they can be used.

A note with regards to boiling water; PGMS (our water system operator) does not believe its necessary because our distribution lines were not comprised. However you could boil water for a day to feel extra safe if you wish.

Water System issues update

Earlier today PGMS was able to get two of our wells operational, however these two are our lowest producers so it will take some time before we will have adequate water available. We are continuing to work on getting another well operational but until then please bear with us. We will need approximately 16 hours of uninterrupted run time on these two wells before water service and normal pressure is available. This would mean some time late Thursday, 2/18, morning when the system could go on-line again.

At that time please continue to help us by minimizing water use until we have all of our system operational, so far we do not need to boil water to use it. Replacement parts will be needed to get our other two wells operational.

Water System Supply Issues

Seven hours without power Monday night froze everything at both water plants. Our water company, PGMS, is trying to get the plants active, but water may not be available until it thaws.