Annual Meeting Minutes

The Ruby Ranch Water Supply Corporation Annual Meeting was held on April 10, 2014. You can view the minutes here.

The preliminary results of the Director Election vote are as follows:
Steve Selger 67 votes
Dale Olmstead 64 votes
Joe Collins 58 votes
Sonny Hollub Jr. 39 votes
Pat Dorsett 38 votes

Franklin Resigns as Director of Barton Springs/Edwards Aquifer Conservation District; District Solicits Interest in Filling the Precinct 2 Vacancy

Board President Gary Franklin submitted his letter of resignation from the Barton Springs/Edwards Aquifer Conservation District Board of Directors earlier this month.  Mr. Franklin has accepted a new position of employment and has opted to resign from the Board, effective immediately, to avoid any perception of a conflict of interest. Mr. Franklin has served on the Board as Precinct 2 Director since May 2006.  He brought water quality expertise, karst and caving experience, and a deep caring for the District environment and residents.  He will be missed.  At the April 10 Board meeting, the Board of Directors honored Mr. Franklin’s years of service and contributions to the effective management of the shared groundwater resources in the area.

The Board of Directors voted to seek candidates to serve as an interim Director for Precinct 2 for the unexpired term until the general election in November 2014.  Precinct 2 includes Shady Hollow, Leisurewoods, Manchaca, the Village of San Leanna, and portions of Buda.  Generally, Precinct 2 extends west to east from MoPac to I-35 and from south of Slaughter Lane to just north of Buda.  A map of Precinct 2 is available on the District’s website at  To be considered, potential candidates must submit a letter of interest with a summary of qualifications to the District by May 9, 2014.  The letter shall be addressed to:

Attn: General Manager
1124 Regal Row
Austin, TX 78748

Prospective Directors must be willing and able to make the time commitment required to participate effectively in Board functions as a public servant and must have a voting residency within Precinct 2. If the Board chooses to fill the vacancy, the other four Board members will evaluate candidates for this position and appoint the one that best meets the needs of the precinct and the District to serve out the remaining term of the former Director.  District Directors, as public officials, are instrumental in setting and enforcing policy that effectively protects, conserves, and manages groundwater resources within the District and are paid an honorarium for their service, on the basis of the number of meetings of various types.

More information can be found at: or by contacting the General Manager by phone at 512-282-8441 or by email at Press Release can be found here at

News from Barton Springs/Edwards Aquifer Conservation District

I’m proud to announce that the Spring Edition of the Aquifer Bulletin is now available online.  This edition’s articles include:

–  Groundwater Levels on the Decline
–  Permitting Summary
–  Environmental Board Member Shift
–  From the GM’s Desk:  More Salt, Please
–  Habitat Conservation Plan Overview & Estimated Timeline
–  Hydrologic Connection Between Edwards and Trinity Aquifers
–  Edwards Aquifer, Storm Flows, and Your Well
–  Upcoming Events

  • April 9, 2014:  Water Well Check-up
  • April 25, 2014:  Kent Butler Summit
  • June 23-26, 2014:  Groundwater to the Gulf:  Summer Institute for Educators

Many thanks to the staff that helped author these great articles.  Let us know if you have any questions.  Hard copies are available at District headquarters.