Ruby Ranch Water Supply Corporation will hold an open meeting on Thursday, September 7, 2017 at 7:00 P.M., at 301 Clark Cove, Buda, Hays County, Texas 78610. The meeting agenda may be viewed here
Ruby Ranch Water Supply Corporation Open Meeting
Ruby Ranch Water Supply Corporation will hold an open meeting on Thursday, August 10, 2017 at 7:00 P.M., at 871 Clark Cove, Buda, Hays County, Texas 78610. The meeting agenda may be viewed here
News from BSEACD
A Local Voice to Groundwater Management for 30 Years
In August 1987, the Barton Springs/Edwards Aquifer Conservation District was officially formed through a confirmation election. Since then, the District has served the residents of Travis, Hays, a nd Caldwell counties by providing a local voice in the management of our region’s precious groundwater resources. The locally elected Board of Directors and staff have worked together with stakeholders to address many of the complex issues and resource management challenges. With stakeholder support, the District has evolved over the past three decades to be the trusted stewards of the aquifers by investing in data-driven science as the basis for sound polices to serve the long-term groundwater interests of our community.
In celebration of the 30 years, the District is planning a post each day in August through social media. Stay tuned for witty water conservation tips, engaging video definitions of key groundwater concepts, and inspiring photos from the past and present. Visit our YouTube channel and like us on Facebook to keep informed about groundwater in the District.
Aquifer Levels
Not a lot of rain, hot temperatures, and high water use has had an effect on our aquifers. Groundwater users in the District continue in Stage 1 Water Conservation Period which asks for a voluntary 10% reduction in pumping. However to our south, the San Antonio segment of the Edwards Aquifer (managed by the Edwards Aquifer Authority) has 20% pumping restrictions announced on July 13, 2017.
For the Barton Springs segment of the Edwards Aquifer the water level and springflow are dropping, but both drought triggers remain above drought thresholds. The water level in the Lovelady Monitor Well began declining in early May and to date has dropped 9 feet to a water level elevation of 532 feet—still 54 feet above its drought trigger threshold. In the Trinity Aquifers, the water level in the Lowe Monitor Well began declining early April and to date has dropped 35 feet.
If dry conditions persist through the Fall, the drought indicators could be approaching Stage 2 Alarm Drought by early 2018. |
EP Application and Hydro Report
Electro Purification (EP) has submitted a production permit application, well modification applications, and hydrogeologic report. The applications and hydro report are available through the Permit Notice page on our website:
The applications and hydrogeological report are currently under review. Over the next ~180 days, staff will review the materials and compile findings to present to the Directors in an open Board Meeting.
Habitat Conservation Plan Public Notice
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service fficially posted the notice availablility for the District’s draft Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) and the Service’s draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) listing in the Federal Register and announced the 60-day public comment period. Written comments must be received by September 18, 2017. For more information and instructions on how to provide comments visit the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service posting.
The HCP and associated documents, an overview of the development process, and more information are available on the District HCP website and also through the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service posting.
A public meeting hosted by the Service will be held on Tuesday, August 22, 2017 from 6-8pm at the District office (1124 Regal Row, Austin, Tx 78748). |
Groundwater Stewardship Awards
The District will accept nominations in these categories:
Aquifer Advocate – Honors efforts to inform and improve policy, collaborate and coordinate community-scale solutions to water resource challenges, and/or involve and educate individuals, neighborhoods, school groups, and professional contacts about water-related issues. Water Quality Protection – Honors efforts that focus on water quality issues such as water monitoring, sampling and testing, pollution prevention (such as creek cleanups), and land use practices to reduce non-point source pollution.
Research and Education – Honors efforts that lead to improved understanding or advanced practices in areas such as groundwater, hydrogeology, water treatment, alternative water supplies, well drilling, or structural and non-structural best management practices to reduce non-point source pollution. Innovation – Honors efforts that incorporate new and creative practices or represent outstanding efforts in communication and partnership toward the betterment of the aquifer and related environmental issues.
An individual, group, company or agency may be nominated in any one category, and anyone can nominate a deserving entity. The District’s Board of Directors will select the recipients; awards may not be given every year in every category, and categories may be added if needed. Download the nomination form and submit it online today!
Upcoming Events, Meetings, & Deadlines Tues., Aug. 1: Permittee Meter Readings Due (details)
Thurs., Aug. 10: BSEACD Board Meeting (details)
Tues., Aug. 22: HCP Public Meeting (details)
Thurs., Aug. 24: BSEACD Board Meeting
Fri., Sept. 1: Permittee Meter Readings Due (details)
Mon., Sept. 4: Office closed for Labor Day
Tues., Sept 5: Protect your Groundwater Day (details)
Thurs., Sept 14: BSEACD Board Meeting
Thurs., Sept. 28: BSEACD Board Meeting