Backflow device testing

For those RRWSC customers who received a backflow prevention testing letter from PGMS, our water system operator, they indicated in the letter if they didn’t receive the testing certification by the due date they could have the service performed on your behalf and the charge would appear on your water bill.

In the event that PGMS performs the testing they have provided the following costs: testing $75/unit; if the unit fails but is repairable the cost is $125 – $175 inclusive of testing; a new unit costs about $350 and this includes the testing charge.

RRWSC does not endorse any particular BPAT certified tester; this information is provided for comparison purposes only to assist you in meeting this TCEQ requirement. Should you decide to use and contract PGMS for this service please have them bill you directly and not through your normal monthly water bill.

Backflow Prevention Assembly Testing

PGMS, the Ruby Ranch Water Corporation’s system operator, is sending the following letter to our customers where they know of an installed BPAT device. If you have a back flow preventer but did not receive the letter or if you have any questions about the letter please call PGMS at (512) 894-3322.

Update on Hays County water notices

Since the residents of Ruby Ranch are served by different water systems, there has been a lot of confusion surrounding the BSEACD’s boil water advisory and no single answer is adequate for all of our residents.

As you may know Ruby Ranch Sections 1 & 2 are on private water wells and may choose to follow the BSEACD’s recently posted guidelines about boiling water.

Ruby Ranch Sections 3-8 receive their water from RRWSC and our system has not issued a boil water notice because our water is safe for consumption. The RRWSC water system treats all its water with chlorine before it is distributed to our customers/members. Furthermore bacteriological testing is routinely done monthly by PGMS, the operator of our system. It is important to note that the District’s boil water notice specifically mentioned you could “…boil or treat (UV light or chlorine treatment systems take care of bacteria) or switch to bottled water…”.

For any further questions about RRWSC’s water please contact PMGS at 512-894-3322